Father Xavy Castro
I’m originally from Puerto Rico, and at the young age of nine our family moved to Connecticut. Our stint in Connecticut lasted only a few years before we moved to Tampa, Florida. Tampa became my home quickly. I graduated from East Bay High School and then began my studies in Mechanical Engineering at USF. During my time at USF I had the opportunity to attend a retreat whereby the Lord spoke to me again loudly. I couldn’t deny the call anymore and subsequently began my application for the seminary.
In the fall of 2009, I began my journey in seminary that lasted eight years. Then on May 20th of 2017, I was ordained to the priesthood for our wonderful Diocese of St. Petersburg. I served in Our Lady of the Rosary Church in Land O’ Lakes, right after ordination and after three years I was asked to serve as Chaplain of Tampa Catholic High School where I served there for 2-1/2 years. Some other jobs that I have are being Chaplain for the Scouts in the Diocese and Chaplain to Legatus.