Shortly after Bishop Gregory Parkes was installed as the fifth bishop of the Diocese of St. Petersburg on January 4, 2017, people began to ask about his vision for the Diocese. Bishop Parkes set out to learn from the priests, religious, deacons, employees, and parishioners about their hopes and concerns. Through listening sessions, gatherings and online surveys, Bishop Parkes heard your concerns about the need to expand outreach efforts to the poor and vulnerable, youth and young adults and fallen-away Catholics. Through prayer, discernment and research, the Visioning Team appointed by Bishop Parkes developed a Mutually-Shared Vision, Courageously Living the Gospel, that was announced on June 18, 2018.
In a newly released video, Bishop Gregory Parkes shares a two-year update on Courageously Living the Gospel, focusing on what we have been able to accomplish with God’s grace and guidance and what has been delayed due to COVID-19.

En un video recientemente publicado, el Obispo Gregory Parkes comparte una actualización de dos años sobre Vivir el Evangelio con valentía, enfocándose en lo que hemos podido lograr con la gracia y la guía de Dios y lo que se ha retrasado debido al COVID-19.