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Description of RCIA Team Roles: Coordinating team member responsibilities and strengths to foster a quality initiation process based on the journey of faith.
RCIA Dismissal Minister
- This team would lead the candidates and catechumens in Breaking Open the Word on a rotating basis during the 11 am Mass (with some exceptions) through the Catechumenate and Purification and Enlightenment (Lent) phases of RCIA.
- Breaking Open the Word consists of reflecting on the readings of Mass and how they pertain to our life.
- Each member of this team would lead Breaking Open the Word no more than twice a month. The goal would be once a month.
- This team would be the primary people that would journey with each catechumen or candidate throughout the RCIA process.
- Each member of this team would get to know a catechumen or candidate personally, guiding and encouraging them along the way.
- To facilitate this process, each Sponsor/Godparent would be encouraged and invited to attend any RCIA function as well as set up opportunities outside of RCIA to mentor the catechumen or candidate
- The minimum requirements of a Sponsor/Godparent is that:
- They are at least 16 years old,
- They are an active practicing Catholic
- They have already received Baptism, 1st Communion, and Confirmation.
- The Sponsor/Godparent would be expected to be present at the appropriate rites and scrutinies, Easter Vigil rehearsal, and the Easter Vigil, all of which are marked on the RCIA calendar.
- Sponsor/Godparent team members can work around their schedules.
Hospitality Team
- Two main ministries – welcoming and listening
- During the Inquiry period, it would include being at one of the RCIA meetings once a month to greet people as they come in, listen to their stories, encourage them on their journeys, and participating in the conversations as a group.
- As we enter into the Catechumenate (after the Rite of Acceptance) and through Lent (called Purification and Enlightenment), this team’s roles shift from greeting and listening to the candidate’s and catechumen’s stories to leading small group discussions during some of the meetings and providing snacks for the group.
- These small group discussions help to keep everyone engaged into the application of the content for the session.
- There would be another member of the Catechist team who would be preparing and guiding the conversation.
- This would primarily be a once a month ministry opportunity.
Catechist team
- The main role of this team would be to facilitate the Wednesday night sessions and discussions. Each session will have a different topic addressed. Each Catechist team member will work with the Director of Adult Faith Formation to discern the sessions that he/she will lead.