This group of ministries works to promote respect of all life from womb to tomb through prayer, peaceful witness, education and advocacy. One of the tenants of our Catholic faith is the protection of the defenseless and those without a voice and these ministries promote that protection. This ministry is part of a nationwide effort to protect, nurture and sustain human life. This ministry includes a four-part plan issues by the Catholic Bishops of the United States, which include:
- Education- In the Catholic community and the public square.
- Care and Services- For women with problems related to pregnancy; for those disabled, sick, or dying and their families; and for those who have been involved in abortion.
- Advocacy- for public policies that protect the lives of unborn children and those vulnerable to pressure to end their own lives.
- Prayer- that the culture of death will be replaced with a culture of life and love.
40 Days for Life
Description: Peaceful Prayer at the abortion center for 40 days to encourage women not to have an abortion.
Membership: Willingness to join in prayer in front of the abortion clinic on Fletcher Avenue and Kennedy Boulevard.
Time Commitment: It is preferred that volunteers fill a 2-hour shift, one day per week, as a shift leader. Various times are available. The annual planning meeting is in September before the 40-day vigil begins.
Ministry Leaders: Linda Scrofani & Ed Evans
Abortion Center Prayer Ministry
Join members of St. Lawrence as peaceful silent Witness for Life at a local abortion clinic.
St. Lawrence is responsible for having parishioners there every 3rd Saturday of the month. They usually attend 8:30 Saturday am Mass and then travel to the clinic. The clinic is located at 3300 West Kennedy Blv. Tampa, FL 33609. The group usually stays until 11:00/11:30 am.
Ministry Leader: Linda Scrofani