If you are able and willing to help start the livestreaming again, please email contact@stlawrence.org with your interest.
Hope to meet you at the altar! Our Mass times can be viewed at https://stlawrence.org/mass-times/
Por favor, tenga en cuenta que no vamos a poder transmitir en vivo (live-stream) las Misas durante el resto del verano. ¡Esperamos encontrarnos reunidos juntos alrededor del altar! Los horarios de Misa se pueden ver en https://stlawrence.org/mass-times/

Please remember online giving!
It is a great way to support the parish when you are not physically able to be there.

Livestream Survey
We want to hear from you! Are you enjoying our Livestreamed Masses?
Let us know how St. Lawrence’s virtual presence has made an impact on your life.
Please only fill out ONCE per person.