Are you an adult and interested in becoming Catholic?
If you are 18 or older and interested in becoming Catholic, please contact our Director of Adult Faith Formation, Luisa Long. She will discuss with you your particular situation, thoughts, concerns, and questions. From there, an individualized plan can be formulated that will be a good fit to get you to where God is inviting you! O.C.I.A. (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults), formerly known as RCIA, may be part of the plan.
In O.C.I.A., people will:
• Meet others that are on the same journey
• Have a safe place to ask questions and get solid, real answers
• Find practical ways to listen for the voice of God
• Have opportunities to learn about what Catholicism actually teaches Regardless of how you have arrived here, we will journey with you towards wherever God is leading you.
For more information call Luisa at 813-875-4040 or email LLong@stlawrence.org.
Confirmation Sponsor Form
The purpose of a sponsor is to ensure that the rich and beautiful faith of the Catholic Church is passed on to the Confirmandi in the most loving and authentic way. In accepting this very important role, you are urged to reflect upon the importance of this commitment. Please read the following and pray about the responsibility you will fulfill in this person’s spiritual life.
After reflection, please complete the sponsor form, sign the statement of eligibility, and have your parish sign and seal the bottom portion of the form before turning in.

“Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. And they were all filled with the holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim…Those who accepted [Peter’s] message were baptized, and about three thousand persons were added that day.”
Acts 2:3-4, 41
Three thousand people were baptized that day! That must have been some homily from St. Peter!
This quote from Acts of the Apostles is exactly what Confirmation is about – going out into the world to make disciples. At Pentecost, the apostles were sent forth to tell everyone about the incredible story of Christ. They met and knew the resurrected Christ, but it wasn’t until Pentecost that the Holy Spirit gave them the strength, power and fortitude to be the person they were created to be.
In Confirmation, we are sent to do the same. There is something life changing when we encounter a living, true and personal God. When we have an experience like the apostles, our lives are changed/transformed. We can no longer be the same person as we were before. That same experience can happen for all of us as we prepare for Confirmation.
So that’s the vision – to have an encounter with our loving and personal God, preparing all of us to go and show others who Christ is through our entire being, so that others may know God through you and me. There’s plenty more we could talk about Confirmation, but that’s why we have something, called Confirmation preparation. In these sessions, we will explore four pillars of the Church, and the various realities and mysteries of the Catholic Faith!
Contact us
Adult Confirmation
For more information on Adult Confirmation, contact:

Director of Adult Faith Formation & Hispanic Ministry
Luisa M. Long (Habla Español)
(813) 875-4040 Ext. 251
Email Luisa